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We design public and private spaces with focus on environmental quality.


Studio 2ka deals with complete project activities in the field of landscape architecture and spatial planning. We are interested in current trends in public spaces design and green infrastructure in cities. We design projects from the smallest scales of landscaping to parks, housing estates, squares, urban districts up to landscape assessments for BREEAM and LEED certification and assessments of landscape character in the range of several tens of kilometers in the stage from the study to the construction project.

Our Team

Our team of experienced landscape architects, architects and urbanists has already participated in more than 370 projects in 5 countries.

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Our passion for design transforms into everything we do, starting from designing small gardens, through parks, to large scale campus areas.





Concept Design

Concept Design is organized to explore a preliminary design framework. A design framework is the primary and essential organizing structure for the design.

Schematic Design

Schematic Design can be initiated with a basis to begin formulating detailed design intent. Intent defines the essence of Schematic Design. Intentions come in the form of principles, performance metrics, a mission, a thesis, and form and character studies.

Design Development

During the Design Development phase, the proposed scheme is advanced and further developed to become the final design. In previous phases, the focus has been on the project as a whole. During Design Development, it becomes important to give individual attention to each system, each space, each component, and each detail of the project.

Construction Documentation

The primary purpose of landscape architectural Construction Documents is to provide a clear, concise, and complete description of the contractual work scope between the owner and contractor.


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